


《武大国际法评论》(Wuhan University International Law Review)近日由美国Wells-Hein联合出版,正式海外发行。这是中国国际法专业期刊第一次以中英文两种语言面向国内外出版发行,具有重要意义。 该期刊即将全文收录进入世界著名的HeinOnline的法学期刊核心库(Law Journal Library)和“法治中国”主题文献库(China Law & Society),向世界讲述中国国际法故事。

关键词: 武大国际法评论 Wuhan University International Law Review Wells Hein HeinOnline 海外出版





《武大国际法评论》(Wuhan University International Law Review)近日由美国Wells-Hein联合出版,正式海外发行。这是中国国际法专业期刊第一次以中英文两种语言面向国内外出版发行,具有重要意义。

该期刊即将全文收录进入世界著名的HeinOnline的法学期刊核心库(Law Journal Library)和“法治中国”主题文献库(China Law & Society),向世界讲述中国国际法故事。



The Wuhan University International Law Review (the Review) (English version) will soon be released to international readers. It will be the first Chinese journal of international law to be published in both Chinese and English; thus, it is of great significance.


Founded in 2003, after years of development, the Review has developed into an authoritative journal of international law in China and one of the serial publications focusing on the research of international law. The Review is the only Chinese publication cited by the UNCITRAL and has been subscribed to by the ICJ Peace Palace Library, the UNCITRAL. The unparalleled quality of the Chinese version has laid a solid foundation for the high-profile launch of the English version.


The English version is sponsored by Wuhan University, and is edited and published by the Wuhan University Institute of International Law. As the first institution of higher education to establish the discipline of international law in China, Wuhan University is renowned for its profound academic background in international law. Many world-class international jurists such as Zhou Gengsheng (the founding father of public international law in China), Mei Ru-ao (a judge for the International Military Tribunal for the Far East), Li Haopei (a judge for the Appeals Chamber at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia), Wang Tieya (a judge for the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia), Han Depei (founder of the China Society of International Private Law), Yao Meizhen (founder of China Society of International Economic Law) and etc., taught here. Founded in 1980, the Wuhan University Institute of International Law is the first research institution specialized in international law among Chinese universities, as well as an independent observer of UNCITRAL and other international organizations. The powerful founder has offered a solid assurance for the high-quality development of the English version.


The English version of the Review is published at an appropriate time. With comprehensive and in-depth advancement of its opening-up, China is attaching increased importance to cultural exchange and integration with other countries. Chinese President Xi Jinping noted: “We will promote exchanges and dialogues between different civilizations and development models, learn from one another in competition, develop jointly through exchanges and mutual learning, and make the exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations a bridge to promote friendship between peoples of various nations, an engine driving the progress of the society, and a bond cementing world peace.”


The English version will provide a specialized platform for other countries to understand China’s practice of international rule of law, adherence to multilateralism, and to improve the global governance system. The Review has always stay tuned to major initiatives regarding China’s involvement in global governance, such as “Community of Shared Future for Mankind” and “The Belt and Road” Initiative, has focused on major issues that are of concern to the international community, and has explored the ways and means by which China has made great efforts to promote the international rule of law. The English version to be released to foreign counterparts of international law collects the most representative research achievements, and aims at helping other countries learn more about China’s development trends in the theories of international law, China’s position on involving in global governance, and China’s practice of promoting the international rule of law.


The English version will offer an important front for the thriving development of the Chinese academy of international law. “To strengthen the foreign-related rule of law, to establish a foreign-related legal system, step up on the research and application of international law, and to improve the standard of foreign-related rule of law,” such declaration must be based on and under the premise of high-level academic research of international law. The English version will make the Review an important platform of exchange for research on international law, increase interaction among academic communities of international law, enhance mutual learning of the high-quality academic resources and the latest research achievements of international law, accelerate the formation of a dialogue mechanism between China and other countries in the field of international law, and promote the thriving development of the study of international law.


The English version will create an international platform for China to cultivate outstanding talents in the study of international law. Since its inception, the Review has been committed to its original intent, carried on the fine tradition of Wuhan University in the study of international law, and made it its mission to cultivate future generations of talents in international law. The English version will focus more on the research by outstanding Chinese scholars of international law, especially the young scholars. The Review publishes and proliferates their research achievements extensively, and creates international platforms to help them grow and gain a foothold in both China and the international community.


“Civilizations have become richer and more colorful with exchanges and mutual learning.” The English version will help other countries learn more about China and promote China’s integration into the international community. The Chinese version and the English version will promote and improve each other; both versions will contribute greatly to the thriving development of international law in China and the international community.


Xiao Yongping














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