



关键词: 中美商贸关系 发展 挑战 “100天行动计划”



A Blueprint for Action: Addressing Priority Issues of Concern in U.S.-China Commercial Relations


U.S. Chamber of Commerce and American Chamber of Commerce in China



The U.S.-China relationship is enormously consequential for the United States, China, and the world. Trade and investment with China supports millions of jobs in the United States and China’s growing consumer market is critical to American exporters and investors. The Chinese market is worth half a trillion dollars a year to American companies, with annual U.S. exports to China topping $160 billion in recent years and sales by Chinese affiliates of U.S. multinational companies surpassing $350 billion.


But challenges in the economic and commercial relationship are eroding its foundation. Over the past several years, the business environment in China has deteriorated for many U.S. and other foreign companies. This trend impacts companies not only operating in the country—many of which use profits from their China operations to support high-end jobs in the United States—but also exporting into China and competing with Chinese companies in third-country markets. Further, for some U.S. companies, Chinese overcapacity in certain sectors has significantly depressed global prices and served to undermine market-based competition.


Going forward, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (the Chamber), the American Chamber of Commerce in China (AmCham China), and our members believe it is critical for both governments to address fundamental asymmetries in access and the ability to compete in our respective economies by opening markets and removing discriminatory regulations, and curbing subsidies. Resolving these issues is essential to establishing a stronger foundation for relations and to ensuring we realize the full potential of our economic ties.


It is for these reasons that the Chamber and AmCham China strongly support the new Comprehensive Dialogue and Comprehensive Economic Dialogue (CED) as well as the 100-Day Action Plan, as mechanisms to achieve concrete outcomes that increase opportunities and create a level playing field for U.S. businesses, workers, farmers, and ranchers. The early-harvest outcomes of the 100-Day Action Plan in agriculture, financial services, and electronic payments were a good start; they demonstrated the ability of the 100-Day Action Plan process to produce tangible results.


Looking beyond the 100-Day Action Plan, our organizations urge that additional, near-term outcomes be more far-reaching in scope and benefit, including in areas like market access for services firms, information security and data flows, and industrial policies. It is essential that our future trade and investment strategy with China emphasize the need for competitive markets in China, not merely defending our markets from subsidized steel and other commodities. Loss of competitiveness by U.S. companies in China, and globally, will weaken them and ultimately result in job losses in the United States. The substantial, growing, and harmful distortions of China's industrial policies on the U.S. and global economies will be far more damaging if China effectively eliminates foreign competition in its home market in critical areas ranging from electric vehicles to aviation to semiconductors.


Further, our organizations urge the U.S. government to prioritize cross-border data flows and other discriminatory Chinese policies that affect all U.S. companies engaged in international business, but especially U.S. information and communications technology companies. China’s emerging legal and regulatory frameworks governing information technology and data pose serious challenges for global businesses not only in the ICT sector, but to the numerous industries that depend on ICT and data.


Cloud computing and other digital technologies that require a seamless flow of data are already changing the nature of manufacturing—in particular for small and medium-sized manufacturers. A new report from the American Enterprise Institute and the Information Technology and Industry Foundation underscores the centrality of cloud computing and cross-border data flows to the future of U.S. manufacturing. 1 Yet, Chinese efforts to exert greater control over where commercial data is stored and how it is transferred are skewing the decision-making process for our members that must decide where products are made and innovation takes place.


As the U.S. government contemplates its future course for addressing concerns in the economic and commercial relationship, we urge that any action plan be far-reaching in its likely impact and robust in targeted outcomes. Our organizations are pleased to provide the attached submission for consideration, which reflects the views of a broad cross-section of members. We have endeavored not only to provide specific outcomes for important industries, but also milestones and metrics to assess progress over the course of future negotiations.


We also underscore the importance of the two governments establishing appropriate mechanisms to discuss issues and assess progress in implementing agreed outcomes. At the June 20-21 meeting of the U.S.-China CEO Dialogue in Beijing, 2 U.S. and Chinese CEOs, joined by former government leaders on both sides, agreed that while maintaining a focus on concrete outcomes within the framework of the newly established CED is important, both sides should continue to pursue exchanges and results via new and the most effective and the pre-existing bilateral mechanisms, with the goals of timely and effective implementation of prior commitments and of those to be reached subsequently.


Our organizations appreciate and value highly the efforts of the Trump Administration to promote the opportunities and address the significant and growing challenges in the bilateral economic and commercial relationship. We stand ready to support the administration in its efforts to upgrade commercial ties so as to ensure that the economic and commercial relationship remains the ballast of U.S.-China relations.








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